10 Ways to reduce your stress and enjoy life more

>> December 29, 2009

Stress. It’s one of the biggest buzz words in health topics today and rightfully so. As society continues to grow and technology forces us all to move at a faster pace, it’s hard not to get swept up into the vortex of chaos. Add to that the fact that many people don’t take care of themselves and you’ve got a recipe for disaster. In the last year alone, I have witnessed some nasty effects on people around me from too much stress — the least of them being irritability and minor depression, and the worst being heart attacks and cancer. It’s really scary but we can all do things to reduce stress.

photo by: ragazzo bavarese
I’m no stranger to stress. In the last few years, I worked full time for a corporate giant, went to school, fronted a band, and shared the responsibilities of running a household. I had to learn how to reduce my stress as much as possible or else suffer the health consequences. The following items are what I found to be tried and true, and use frequently:

  1. Listen to classical music – Studies have shown that listening to classical music, particularly Baroque, is the equivalent of a low dosage tranquilizer. I saw this on a printout on our Health Wall at work and that was enough to get me to try it. It works for me. I now listen to the local classical radio station in the car on my to work and on the drive home. It helps me start my morning calmly and unwind after work.
  2. Shake your hands – Hold your hands down at your sides and gently shake them as if trying to shake water off of them. This simple act reduces tension in your body and has the added benefit of increasing circulation to reduce carpal tunnel compression.
  3. Take deep breaths – It seems so simple and it is. Breathing, the most natural thing we do, can reduce our stress levels immediately. The trick is to do it deliberately and focus on calming thoughts. Inhale as slowly and deeply as you can and then exhale as slowly and deeply as you can. Do this 5-10 times and notice how your heart rate slows down. There are days I have to do this once an hour but it really helps.
  4. Take a walk outside – Stop what you are doing and take a 5 minute break outside to clear your head. Permit yourself to pause life just for a moment and take some “me time”. Notice the smell of the grass and the colors of the trees. Reflect on the shapes of the clouds and listen to the birds sing. You may not feel you have time for this but it will make a big difference when you come back to what you were doing. This micro-vacation will leave you feeling refreshed and less overwhelmed.
  5. Slow down – Do you go a mile a minute like I do? I get so involved with what I’m doing and get on the “productivity full speed ahead” train that I get asked, “Where’s the fire?” on a regular basis. When I stop and listen to my body, my heart is racing. So I have learned to take a time-out and check my inner speedometer. Pace yourself, it will all get finished.
  6. Plan ahead – This is one of those things I’m working on, myself. It seems to affect my morning routine the most. Making sure everything is ready the night before for the next day will ensure a smoother departure from the house. There is nothing worse than starting your morning desperately searching for your security badge or other piece of inventory that you must have for the day, only to make you late. Of course, those are the days that traffic is the worst. So do yourself a favor, plan ahead, and enjoy a calmer morning.
  7. Exercise – You’ve heard it time and again but it’s true. I can attest to this. Among giving you many other benefits, regular exercise reduces your stress levels. It’s the biggest reason I try to make myself go to the gym 3-5 times a week.
  8. Get enough sleep – A good night’s sleep makes a world of difference in how you react to things. It makes you less emotional, more rational, think more clearly, and more capable of handling daily life events. Only you know how much sleep you need. You know when you get the right amount because that’s when you feel you are running at your optimal performance.
  9. Laugh – Watch a funny movie. See the funny side of your situation. Go to a comedy club with friends. Surround yourself with funny people. Laughter really is the best medicine.
  10. Light some candles – I used to be a candle consultant with PartyLite and I learned that lighting a candle can reduce the stress in a household by 40%. It does not have to be scented though I know that’s debatable.
Do you have a favorite stress reliever? Please comment with your answers.


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