When you just Don't Feel like Exercising?

>> December 30, 2009

photo by: kittieskatsrus

Do it anyway and you will thank yourself later. I have learned that the times you want to work out the least are the times you need to do it the most. 9 times out of 10 once you get started your attitude will change towards the positive. I will admit that there are times I don't feel like going to the gym. But once I get into my workout, I'm usually not ready to quit when my time is up. I feel all better afterward.

There have even been times that I had a headache and tried to get out of the day's exercise plan. But I discovered that a good run can cure my headache without having to take anything for it. I'm all for natural cures!

Still, sometimes I have to have a pep talk with myself and talk myself into it.

Will you feel better after it's done? Yes.
Will you feel proud of yourself? Yes.

Don't let this one thing screw up your day. It's a snowball that can go in either direction. You have complete control over this!

So are you going to sit there and feel guilty for not doing it? Or are you going to just do it and reap the rewards of self-discipline?


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