212° the extra degree
>> December 30, 2009
At 211 degrees, water is hot.
At 212 degrees, it boils.
And with boiling water, comes steam.
And with steam, you can power a train.
Learn more about this at the 212 degrees website
When you just Don't Feel like Exercising?
There have even been times that I had a headache and tried to get out of the day's exercise plan. But I discovered that a good run can cure my headache without having to take anything for it. I'm all for natural cures!
Still, sometimes I have to have a pep talk with myself and talk myself into it.
Will you feel better after it's done? Yes.
Will you feel proud of yourself? Yes.
Don't let this one thing screw up your day. It's a snowball that can go in either direction. You have complete control over this!
So are you going to sit there and feel guilty for not doing it? Or are you going to just do it and reap the rewards of self-discipline? Read more...
Karen's primer for getting into a fitness routine and STAYING there
>> December 29, 2009
Now that I am so close to accomplishing my goal of 100 workouts in 2009 (I have just 2 more to go), I feel like I am qualified to write this article. Many of you have asked me for advice about how to start, how to stay motivated, and other questions ranging from "what music do you use?" to "what shortcuts are there?". Trial and error, baby. But I will share with you what worked for me after 3 years of experimentation.
Let me preface my answers by saying that ANYONE CAN DO THIS. And that means YOU can do this. I went from doing nothing since I was forced to take Phys Ed in high school 18 years ago... to getting in the gym this year sometimes 5 times a week, running my second 5K, and now looking at what I need to do to finish a half-marathon next year. I focused mostly on cardio this year but will be including more strength training and flexibility next year to balance things out, as is advised.
I will also confess that I stated this 100 workout goal last year (and the year before), also, and didn't quite make it. I got to 80 something last year and quit. But I was right back at it in January. And I now know after going through this year that 100 workouts in a year is a great start in establishing a lifestyle of fitness, but it's not enough for me. I was able to take a month off at a time, come back to it hardcore, and I still accomplished my goal. So next year I am raising the bar to 150 workouts in hopes that the new goal will not allow me to slack off so much.
If you don't have a goal, you have nothing to work toward. Your goal can be small but you do need something to challenge yourself with. The 100 Workouts Goal is what I would recommend. It is perfect for beginners because it gives you a lot of leeway to get it done. My rules were simple. You could do anything as long as it was for at least 30 minutes and made you sweat. So that was my "big picture goal".
I also wanted a smaller goal so I promised myself I would register for a 5K race since I wanted to get into running. A 5K is not nearly as scary as it sounds. It's 3.1 miles and you can walk any part or all of it. It's a casual event. But if you make this a goal, you WILL train for it. Because you are going to want to jog as much as possible. I highly recommend the Couch to 5K Program because there are free podcasts you can download in which Robert Ullrey (a regular guy who started running when he turned 50) narrates the session (with music) and he tells you exactly when to jog and when to take a break and walk and he does this for the whole session. It's 100% foolproof. I couldn't have done it without Ullrey. (Danny also graduated from this program and ran a 5K with me.) I have run TWO 5K races now.
I won't lie to you. The hardest part is just starting. You know what I mean because, like you, I have told myself countless times excuses like "I don't have enough energy today", "I will start (again) tomorrow", or "I just don't feel like it". We have all been there. But if you just DO IT, you will have conquered the worst part.
Motivation comes from any number of places. But you have to find what WORKS FOR YOU and stick to that. It can be anything but you just have to find that ONE thing that will give you a push and inspire you to exercise. I tried a few things.
SparkPeople suggested I make a list on paper of my core motivators. This helped me as I used their list as a guide for myself and I changed some of the reasons to fit my life. This list will make you think about short and long term goals. I typed up a page of my own goals, printed it out, and posted it on the wall by my bed.
I also tried the Visual Motivator sheet, which has worked for me the best. The idea is to find photos of of people who inspire you from magazines, internet, or old photo albums and paste them onto paper. Being a front chick, I made a collage of singers in bands who I admire that have unstoppable stage energy and look how I want to look (6 pack abs, killer arms and tush, etc). This collage is posted next to my written list. I am going to make a new collage for 2010.
Stickers work for some people. Get yourself some fun stickers and each day you workout, you get to put a sticker on the wall calendar. I am going back to this next year.
But the best motivators for me are remembering what fitness does for me. After just one workout I get a quick fix:
- twice the energy
- natural mood elevation
- clearer, sharper thinking
- sleep well that night
- stress level cut in half (at least, sometimes even more)
- wake up with energy the next day
MUSIC AS MOTIVATIONI cannot emphasize the importance enough of having music you love for your workouts. The right music will ALWAYS get you through even on days you don't feel as into it, or want to do it at all. It's going to be different for everyone. And just because you like to listen to it in your car does not mean it's going to work for you in your workout. Some people like the attitude of punk rock, some like the anger of noise industrial, some like the quirkiness of 80's. For me, I need electronic bouncy music. It can't be too angry and it can't be too fast. EBM or dance club music is my preference (specifics below). Experiment with what works for you. And keep it fresh.
Get yourself an iPod Shuffle or something equivalent. My Shuffle has lasted over 2 years and has gotten me to this point of successfully making fitness part of my lifestyle. It's tiny and clips onto your shirt. There are no moving parts in it so it's durable and won't break if you drop it or bang it on something. It holds 13 hours of music. There is no display on it but I like having the surprise of never knowing what's coming up. It's also easy to control by feel without looking at it.
Do whatever you have to do to keep boredom away. If you get bored, you're going to quit. I alternated between the elliptical machine (great for days you don't feel like doing anything) and the treadmill most of the time. But I also included some DVD's at home and even DDR at times. I am going to add cycling and yoga into my life next year.
My pick: Jillian Michaels - 30 Day Shred - This is my favorite of the fitness DVD's I own (just read the Amazon reviews and you will understand why)
After doing this for 3 years, I now know there are no shortcuts. But I can promise you that it's easier to get in shape than you think it is. The payoff is almost instant. It only takes a few workouts before your body starts to adapt. And if you take a break, your body will bounce back into the routine almost instantly when you start again.
75% of it is a mental thing. You are stronger and better than you think you are. Your body knows this. And it will prove it to you if you just let it.
Some days I need a push even once I get myself into a workout and over the years I have slowly compiled a list of what tracks give me that push. These are basically my panic button songs. I am super picky about what works for me for cardio. It has to be bouncy, aggressive but not too angry, and just has to kick me in the butt. I like a lot of older VNV Nation and a lot of remixes for the dance floor from numerous artists.
In no particular order, tracks:
Also albums:
1. Madonna - Confessions on a Dance Floor
2. Blaqk Audio - Cexcells
3. The Presets - Apocalypto ----> This record kicks my butt!
4. XP8 - Muscle & Hate (Tribute to Nitzer Ebb)
5. Black Eyed Peas - The E.N.D.
6. Lady GaGa - The Fame Monster
10 Ways to reduce your stress and enjoy life more
Stress. It’s one of the biggest buzz words in health topics today and rightfully so. As society continues to grow and technology forces us all to move at a faster pace, it’s hard not to get swept up into the vortex of chaos. Add to that the fact that many people don’t take care of themselves and you’ve got a recipe for disaster. In the last year alone, I have witnessed some nasty effects on people around me from too much stress — the least of them being irritability and minor depression, and the worst being heart attacks and cancer. It’s really scary but we can all do things to reduce stress.
- Listen to classical music – Studies have shown that listening to classical music, particularly Baroque, is the equivalent of a low dosage tranquilizer. I saw this on a printout on our Health Wall at work and that was enough to get me to try it. It works for me. I now listen to the local classical radio station in the car on my to work and on the drive home. It helps me start my morning calmly and unwind after work.
- Shake your hands – Hold your hands down at your sides and gently shake them as if trying to shake water off of them. This simple act reduces tension in your body and has the added benefit of increasing circulation to reduce carpal tunnel compression.
- Take deep breaths – It seems so simple and it is. Breathing, the most natural thing we do, can reduce our stress levels immediately. The trick is to do it deliberately and focus on calming thoughts. Inhale as slowly and deeply as you can and then exhale as slowly and deeply as you can. Do this 5-10 times and notice how your heart rate slows down. There are days I have to do this once an hour but it really helps.
- Take a walk outside – Stop what you are doing and take a 5 minute break outside to clear your head. Permit yourself to pause life just for a moment and take some “me time”. Notice the smell of the grass and the colors of the trees. Reflect on the shapes of the clouds and listen to the birds sing. You may not feel you have time for this but it will make a big difference when you come back to what you were doing. This micro-vacation will leave you feeling refreshed and less overwhelmed.
- Slow down – Do you go a mile a minute like I do? I get so involved with what I’m doing and get on the “productivity full speed ahead” train that I get asked, “Where’s the fire?” on a regular basis. When I stop and listen to my body, my heart is racing. So I have learned to take a time-out and check my inner speedometer. Pace yourself, it will all get finished.
- Plan ahead – This is one of those things I’m working on, myself. It seems to affect my morning routine the most. Making sure everything is ready the night before for the next day will ensure a smoother departure from the house. There is nothing worse than starting your morning desperately searching for your security badge or other piece of inventory that you must have for the day, only to make you late. Of course, those are the days that traffic is the worst. So do yourself a favor, plan ahead, and enjoy a calmer morning.
- Exercise – You’ve heard it time and again but it’s true. I can attest to this. Among giving you many other benefits, regular exercise reduces your stress levels. It’s the biggest reason I try to make myself go to the gym 3-5 times a week.
- Get enough sleep – A good night’s sleep makes a world of difference in how you react to things. It makes you less emotional, more rational, think more clearly, and more capable of handling daily life events. Only you know how much sleep you need. You know when you get the right amount because that’s when you feel you are running at your optimal performance.
- Laugh – Watch a funny movie. See the funny side of your situation. Go to a comedy club with friends. Surround yourself with funny people. Laughter really is the best medicine.
- Light some candles – I used to be a candle consultant with PartyLite and I learned that lighting a candle can reduce the stress in a household by 40%. It does not have to be scented though I know that’s debatable.
Introductory Post
Once I saw what a big difference a small positive change could make, I made up my mind to learn all I could about doing so. I posted these things I learned, tried, and the results, in my locked blog, and friends commented that they were thankful I posted and that I inspired and motivated them to also make changes. I never expected to have such a positive impact on people. But I would like to give something back to the people who are looking for the same things I am out of life.
Most of what I write in this blog is going to come from links that find me and my experimenting with those ideas. I do not claim to be an expert in any of the areas I previously mentioned. Furthermore, I feel that others are worlds ahead of me in this knowledge and progress but that only encourages me to learn from them and find my own way. If you are a kindred spirit, please join me on this journey and feel free to comment with suggestions, wisdom, or mutual support. Read more...